Decorative Elements to Complement Your Mission Style Furniture

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Mission Furniture

The sleek, simple lines of mission
style furniture make a statement and give a classic look to any room.
Traditionally, Mission Style décor was fairly Spartan by today’s
standards, though, so finding just the right combination of
traditional furniture and modern decoration can be a bit tricky.

Bold modern
pieces in bright colors or stainless steel and black would clearly
overpower the simplicity of natural wood furnishings, so one great
way to decorate is to stick with furnishings that stick to the style,
and accessorize with something more modern; however, accessorizing
with more traditional elements can enliven your décor while
highlighting the clean lines that make the style so attractive. Here
are a few ideas to get you started:

Stained Glass Lamps
Lamps are one of the best known
accessories to the style, and with good reason. Every room needs
light, but stained glass lamps become engaging pieces of art when the
light shines through the glass panes that create the shades. Mission
and Prairie styles consist of geometric designs which can be simple
or intricate, but the Tiffany Lamp designs of the period are brighter
and often include detailed imagery, so the lamps provide something
for every taste.

Rugs add Softness and Color
Whether you have carpeting or hard
floors, a decorative rug can add warmth and interest to a room, while
contributing to the overall style. Rugs were popular during the Arts
and Crafts Movement and many designs are available, some specifically
referred to as Mission Style, but Arts and Crafts, Prairie and even
Bungalow are all categories of design that will work beautifully with
Mission Style furnishings.

Many purely Mission Style are
completely geometric, but broadening the range to all of the above
brings in many floral elements which will be more appealing if you
prefer a softer effect. Even the florals have a geometric element,
often with wide rectangular borders and repeating patterns. Rugs are
also a great way to bring color into your décor. They can be subtle,
as in the many designs that are golden brown or sage green with
darker green, red and brown elements, but the range includes deep
greens and even bright reds as the background color.

Arts and Crafts Tiles
Decorative tiles were popular in the
Arts and Crafts movement, and there has been a resurgence in interest
in these traditional design elements. Tiles are naturals for kitchen
backsplashes and in bathrooms, but they can also fit in other areas
of the house as well.

The space over a fireplace is the
perfect place to create a tile wall that enhances the look of the
entire room. Today’s craftsmen use rich colors along with
traditional patterns, and even some of the original molds, to create
beautiful tiles that look both traditional and appropriate in a
modern home.

Mission Style furniture is known for
simple lines, and is best showcased in a clutter-free space with
minimal distraction, but these accessories work well together to
highlight the beauty of the pieces while creating a comfortable and
attractive living space.