Top 5 Interior Design Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

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Craftsman RoomEven though interior decorating is always centered around a homeowner’s particular style, there are still certain things that should always be avoided. Some people find that they really have a knack for decorating, whereas others might need some help. Whatever your degree of decorating savvy, here are the top 5 interior decorating mistakes and how to avoid them in your home, no matter what kind of room you’re working with.

1. Interior Decorating without a Plan or Vision
One of the worst things you can do is to start decorating a room with absolutely no plan or vision. What usually ends up happening is that the room will look like it was randomly put together and nothing will flow. It’s really important to already have some sort of plan drawn out or at least a vision of what you want before you buy even one piece of décor. You don’t have to come up with anything elaborate; just a few quick ideas scribbled on a piece of paper will give you something you can work with.

2. Complementary and Contrasting Home Décor: Too Much Matching
Those people who have the tendency to want everything to match often end up with a living room, for instance, that is all tan and brown. If your goal is a monochromatic look, then this might be perfect for you. But most decorating schemes need complementary and contrasting colors added to the décor. These variations give the room something interesting that will stand out, rather than the whole room just being drowned out in one or two colors.

3. Disorganization: Decoratively Organize Your Room
Organization is one of the most important aspects of any room. A stylish décor’s not going to be noticed if the room is disorganized and a mess. Look for functional pieces as well as decorative ones when choosing items for your room. Bookcases for instance, can do a lot more than just hold books. You can put wicker baskets on the shelves to hide such items as remotes, toys, magazines, and other miscellaneous things.

It’s important to utilize any storage space you have in a room. Clothes might be stored under the bed, and bathroom cabinets might have small baskets in them for small items such as toothbrushes, floss, and other personal items. Try not to leave small items lying out all over the house. With a little creativity, you can find places to store and organize those items out of sight.

4. Getting Furniture without First Checking Room Dimensions
It’s always really important to take measurements in a room before you buy any type of furniture, whether its a television stand for your family room or wood beds for your bedrooms. You don’t want to end up having your couch take up your whole family room. And you also don’t want a couch that’s dwarfed by a huge living room space.

So be sure to plan your furniture according to the dimensions of the room. It’s also a good idea to buy your furniture first before you do anything else, as styles can be worked around the furniture and this way you’ll know how much leftover space you have to work with.

5. Pictures Placed Too High on the Walls
This is a very commonly made mistake when it comes to interior decorating. Pictures should be hung on the wall at eye level and no higher. If you’re hanging a huge portrait, however, it can go slightly higher so it’s away from the floor. In this case, the middle of the picture should be at eye level. The key is to be able to look at the artwork straight on instead of having to look up to see it.

These are just some of the most common interior decorating mistakes made by homeowners. Those who avoid these mistakes will be well on their way to a beautifully decorated home.

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